NIOST Supports National School Breakfast Week
March 5, 2019
NIOST, as a founding member of the Healthy Out-of-School-Time (HOST) Coalition, is proud to mark National School Breakfast Week this week, a celebration launched 30 years ago to raise awareness of the availability of the School Breakfast Program to all children.
Articles from our Afterschool Matters journal highlight the importance of out-of-school time for healthy eating:
- "Healthy Eating in Out-of-School Time: The Promise and the Challenge"
- "The Role of Out-of-School Time in Reducing Hunger and Preventing Obesity."
Studies from HOST member the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) also tell us that 12.5 million low-income children received school breakfast on an average school day during the 2017–2018 school year. School breakfast participation helps to improve children’s dietary intake, helping to decrease the risk of food insecurity, childhood obesity, and other negative health outcomes. It has also been linked with fewer visits to the school nurse, particularly in the morning. Research shows, too, that school breakfast can help to boost test scores, improve attendance, and increase focus and engagement in the classroom. Despite this, federal and state agencies, school districts, educators, and advocates must continue to build on the momentum school breakfast has gained in recent years to ensure that more low-income children start the school day with a healthy meal.
Read this post at the HOST site for more information from HOST members on the spread and impact of the School Breakfast Program along with tips and best practices for raising awareness and increasing participation.